Video Marketing & Production - Helping you create shareable digital content to grow your business brand!Chris Nelson is the founder and owner of Nelson Media Company. He's a video marketing guru; video production and social media marketing maniac; don't forget about wanting to dominate the media digital marketing scene. He loves what he is doing! For the past 10 years, Chris has worked in broadcast news as a TV Meteorologist. Over time, he's grown a social media following of more than 30,000 people. Chris believes his secret to success is a combination of hard work and determination and credits that focus on helping him achieve his AMS Seal and numerous awards for on-air excellence. Chris believes he can help you grow YOUR business brand. Chris can be a voice and a presence to help develop YOUR social media marketing, video production and marketing, and create opportunities to advertise under the NMC series. We believe you'll find Chris' approach to creative storytelling, video production and ability to find the good in others a winning combination to a successful BRAND.