Medical Doctor at European Center for Peace and Development (ECPD) - Belgrade, , Serbia
The accomplishments of the European Center for Peace and Development (ECPD) during its 25 years of activity - and its plans for the coming period - reflect its intellectual mission as set out in the founding acts of the ECPD. Its mission has remained unchanged: to contribute to peace and development in Europe as the area of the ECPD's activities, and to international cooperation in the transfer of knowledge, by organizing international postgraduate studies (at the specialist, master's and doctoral levels) and postgraduate professional training and specialization (postgraduate schools, specialist seminars, instructive and other courses) and research in the relevant scientific fields. The ECPD's guiding principle has always been: through peace to development, through development to peace.The ECPD has always operated primarily in Europe, at first in its south-eastern part, with an orientation towards the post-socialist countries that is, countries in transition. Nonetheless, in keeping with its program policy, it has increasingly been open for cooperation with the rest of the world.The tasks, program and strategy of the European Center for Peace and Development arise from the Charter of the United Nations, Charter of the University for Peace, the provisions of the International Agreement on the ECPD Headquarters and its Statute, as well as the resources available to the ECPD.The European Center for Peace and Development has chosen an interdisciplinary approach by implementing the following seven, closely inter-connected and inter-linked programs:· Development of human resources;· Development of natural resources;· Economic development;· Scientific and technological development;· Sustainable development;· Cultural development;· Management.