Juridisk rådgiver i sekretariat for Pasientskadenemnda at Nasjonalt klageorgan for helsetjenesten - Bergen, Hordaland, N/A
National Office for Health Service Appeals is a government agency subject to the Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services. We are an exciting workplace with broad expertise in compensation, health and administrative law. We process appeals from twelve agencies: • Civil Aviation Authority Norway• County Governor• Norwegian Board of Health Supervision• Norwegian Directorate of Health• Norwegian Health Economics Administration• Norwegian Medicines Agency• Norwegian System of Patient Injury Compensation• Oslo University Hospital• Regional Health Authorities: • Central Norway Regional Health Authority • Northern Norway Regional Health Authority • South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority • Western Norway Regional Health AuthorityWe are the secretariat for four independent boards:• The Norwegian Appeal Board for Health Personnel• The Norwegian Governmental Appeal Board Regarding Medical Treatment Abroad• The Norwegian Pharmacy Appeal Board• The Patients' Injury Compensation Board