CRP stands for COST REDUCTION PROJECTS.\\CRP Consulting increases the profitability of its customers by reducing indirect costs. \\CRP Consulting is specialized in various cost categories. In close cooperation - yet with minimal effort from you as customer - we define projects, run a profound Cost Reduction Project and implement our recommendations.\\\WHY CRP \\Indirect Spend is often too sub-optimal due to a lack of time, data and knowledge. Maverick spending and an increased natural economic gravity (less time-to-market, shortened life cycles, more and complexer items) emphasizes this effect. World Class Cost leaders outperform the competition in Innovation, R&D but also by focusing on the non-core spenditures.\\Our experts have the time, resources and knowledge to increase your margins by realizing bottom-line savings that stick. Year after year.\\\\HOW\\We believe that 'Cost Reduction Projects' should be handled in a professional 5 steps process. \\Visit our website,, to figure out how this process works.\\\\\WHAT\\Our experts are specialized in several Cost Categories such as; \- Energy\- Waste Management\- Packaging\- Facility Management\- Temporary Labour\- Logistics and Transportation \- MRO.\\\\\CONTACT US\\Kristof Temmerman\\\\M (+32) 477 95 32 63\T (+32) 50 71 88 86