DISCOVER HOW TO BUILD AN INCLUSIVE FEMALE WORKPLACE EXPERIENCE – SO WE ALL THRIVE ► Employers looking to gain competitive advantage, attract top talent and win the fight for key skills are increasingly focused on attracting more female talent. We help you acknowledge women's different needs in our challenging remote work environments, and help you re-design your workplace so you cut the risk of losing those females.The solution to these problems doesn't have to be expensive in order to retain great female employees.In fact, a few simple innovations and tweaks and females will be knocking down your door.Kristy is the Director of Shesfreetobe and an award winning innovator for inclusion. She's a technical and operational leader in the minerals industry, so she knows heavy industry and mining environments intimately. Here are two things you could do today to ensure the women working for you thrive:✔ Provide a Shesfreetobe Toolkit to your new / existing female employees. Workplace experience is a soundtrack setting the mood. The tool kit welcomes the female form, says you care about her workplace experience, and that she belongs.✔ Position your organisation as an employer of choice for females by engaging Shesfreetobe to spend A Day in HER life. We assess your workplace design through female eyes identifying barriers to her success, then help you fix it.Understanding barriers to female inclusion is key, we help organisations understand how to create more inclusive workplace experiences from the site to the office. Our client feedback is overwhelmingly positive, helping them transform and thrive.We are enthusiastic educators who are passionate about worker well-being and increasing female representation in heavy industry. Our experience overcoming barriers inspired the vision for changing the lives of women in male-dominated industries, Shesfreetobe is a game changer.Don't delay, contact Shesfreetobe to chat today!