Director of Sales and Marketing at PREMIER TECHNOLOGIES - Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, India
Premier Tecknologies is a collective professional organization striving to promote values of conservation. The main thrust of our activities has to do with the optimum use Of THE SUN. Our work in several districts in UP and Uttaranchal on Solar led us to think that we could offer solutions on ENERGY MANAGEMENT for urban & rural living. The idea was to reduce, if not eliminate, our dependence on city infrastructure for energy with THE SUN Over the years, we have given solutions in Energy Management with Solar Photovoltaic [ON GRID, OFF-GRID, RETROFIT]& Solar Water Heating applications even to institutions & Individuals and they remain a cynosure for others. We have our own HELPLINE which Offer green solutions without making any compromise . So who are we? Are we technologists? Are we CHANGE agents?We are a clean-tech company. We are a non-conventional energy enterprise. We are a company that centres every plan, design and product on a sustainable built-environment. We are the future of energy backed by our principal's who are the LEADERS in their field.Sure, you will wonder why you haven't heard of us before.Gandhiji once said in his pithy style, "You must be the change that you wish to see in the world." PREMIER is making that change from within, on this renewable energy growth path with leaders in SOLAR APPLICATION.Join us to make your city/town/village a better place to live in.With best wishes,Biman Roy