Five Lakes Church looks to the first church in Acts as our role model. The early Christians loved one another – not only in word, but also in actions. For over 50 years, our church has been committed to welcoming the people of Sylvania, OH and beyond into relationship with Jesus Christ.We are a multigenerational church, physically and spiritually, where all believers mature and new believers are born. We see people of all ages deepening their knowledge, wisdom, and faith.Outreach is a major emphasis of our church: locally, nationally, and internationally. It's been this way since our beginnings and will be that way into our future. While we serve broadly, our intention is to make a deeper, more focused impact rather than a broader, shallow impact. We pursue sustainability of impact, reciprocity in relationships, and initiatives that balance word and deed. We understand that selfless service and meaningful presence are often the catalysts that opens the door for spiritual conversations, and getting the message of Jesus out to the world is our ultimate goal.