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The significance of fluid technology is worldwide constantly increasing and so are the expectations of more the HANSA-FLEX customers from all industrial sectors.HANSA-FLEX has become a leading company for all areas of hydraulics.The key factor in this success is system partnership. It is the breadth and depth of products and services available that make the company such a valued partner today. In a key technology like hydraulics, customers prefer solutions from a single source. Our extensive network of subsidiaries opens the door to HANSA-FLEX's world of service to you.Our customers systems and machinery must run – safely, reliably and 24/7. Availability plays the determining factor, down times are expensive. The protection of people and the environment excludes compromises in the quality of our work. With ultimate perfection and fast availability of all our products and services we always try to maintain that high level of extensive responsibility – with good results: More benefits for our customers.