Resilient House is an addiction and co-occurring disorder residential treatment center for men and women located in Shreveport, Louisiana. With its primary focus on treating individuals with substance use disorders, Resilient House will also treat guests with other behavioral and process addictions including gambling, tobacco use, working, exercising, sex, and shopping. Co-occurring mental health concerns such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD will also be addressed in the guest's treatment to provide the highest quality of care. The Mission of Resilient House is to show our guests, and their families how to recapture the strength and resources impacted in their lives through the progression of the disease of addiction and other co-occurring conditions, and to grow the resilience of each person through the solution to the debilitating and deadly cycle of alcoholism and drug addiction. Through treatment that is driven by clinical excellence, endowed with spiritually-centered, evidence-based practices and a 12-Step orientation, individuals, families, & communities will bring about the transformational changes necessary to restore a sense of well-being and hope for a promising and productive future. We value the dignity of those we serve and always treat them with respect and compassion. We depend on the dedication of our staff, our board, our partners, our volunteers to foster an atmosphere which will make our guests feel at home.