Fusfoo is a no-cost digital website that gives today's high schools a way to bring all of their media, from the school newspaper to the A/V club, onto a single platform. With oversight provided by the school, high schools will have the same level of control over content that exists today within their current media models. Fusfoo gives today's high school students a safe, bully-free, educational and engaging space for content to be created, curated, shared and consumed. Editorial and video content will be created by high school students - for high school students and available on the devices they live by. Students can export their portfolio of work for college applications and internship and job interviews.Participating high schools will become part of Fusfoo's national high school network, where they can view and repost thoughtful, relevant and age-appropriate content created by fellow schools and students across the country on their schools' unique sites. Fusfoo also creates opportunities for high schools to connect and stay connected with alumni and foster long-term support for school and district goals.