Senior Lawyer, International and Corporate Services at CONFIDERI Family Office - Moscow, Moscow, Russia
CONFIDERI Family Office – Ваш лучший доверенный советник в Москве и Сингапуре. Сохранение и приумножение капиталов. Структурирование активов. Передача благосостояния по наследству. CONFIDERI - искусство быть лучшим доверенным лицом нашему Клиенту._____________________________________________________________CONFIDERI Family Office is a Russia-headquartered law firm and a multi-family office based in Singapore.Law firm CONFIDERI (Moscow) specializes in asset structuring, protection of corporate and private capital, business support and the conduct of affairs for shareholders, beneficiaries and company directors. The firm's key competences are international projects with Russian roots and trustee fiduciary services. CONFIDERI follows the philosophy – "the art and science of being the best proxy" and employs the best international practices.Multi-family office CONFIDERI (Singapore) provides full spectrum family wealth related services. The services include: family capital preservation, growth and transfer to the next generation; structuring and separating of family and business wealth and wealth management consultancy.CONFIDERI Family Office – an Associate Member of SINGAPORE BUSINESS FEDERATION 2015.CONFIDERI Family Office became the winner of SPEAR'S Russia Wealth Management Awards 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016.