SIMOVA Is a Health Sciences Company that Empowers Total Personal Wellness Management by integrating Modern Medicine, Information Technology and Holistic Practices to enable Lifetime Healthcare in the 21st Century. SIMOVA Empowers Enterprises - Hospitals, Medical Care Providers, Insurance Companies and Corporate - to deliver exceptional Customer Centric CareSimova Empowers Schools – Child Health Development and Management program for Children and Young Adults – to deliver better health, healthier nationThe Company further supports the individuals through community based Wellness Centers and has a long term vision to deliver its promise of 360 degree healthcare through personalized technologies with a range of products and services. It has 3 main focus areas: SIMOVA Enterprise - Personal Health Management Software and Services SIMOVA 360 - - Bio Marker & Genetic Lab system; & other Personalized Products and Centers for Integrated LivingSIMOVA Mind - Strategic Thinking, Research and Design