Alakh Nayan Mandir Eye Institute is a nonprofit based in India that seeks to provide eye care for children and adults in need. Much of our work takes place in Indian villages where eye specialists are scarce and the need for proper care is great. Though many cannot afford our assistance, we rely on the generous support of donors around the world to help us offer this life-changing service. Our proposed project, Sight Restoration of Children in Southern Rajasthan, India, would provide eye screenings for 10,000 school children, as well as provide spectacles or surgical treatment for those in need. Every donation from you will take us one step closer to achieving our goal. Since 1997, Alakh Nayan Mandir Eye Institute has been committed to our mission of providing quality vision to all. Inspired by Her Holiness Mahatma Bhuri Bai, we have built the institute to share kindness and compassion with the world. Please help us achieve this goal with either a small donation or your valuable time. We always need trained medical volunteers to continue our work. Contact us today to get involved in bringing the gift of sight to those less fortunate.