Film Annex is an online film and blogging platform that financially rewards filmmakers, writers and viewers.All revenues are based on a scoring system that Film Annex created called the BuzzScore, which calculates your influence and ability to engage your audience with social media tools: They can also generate extra revenues trough an affiliate program: addition to sharing their films, filmmakers and bloggers can create photo albums, write blogs, interact with each other and their audience.Filmmakers can get more exposure by being featured on Film Annex's Picks, which brings together some of the most talented and active filmmakers on our platform: over 40,000 videos on its platform, Film Annex offers its viewers an extensive variety of content, from classics and animated shorts to interviews, making-of videos, trailers, and film reviews. If you're interested in hosting content from our online catalog with or without our player and ads, send us an email!Currently in eleven languages and growing... You can find us on:Twitter: