Core Member (Competitive Programming and Research) at IoT Lab, KiiT - Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation, Odisha, India
"A new idea emerges from a great thinking andsuccess comes from hard work. Hard work does notnecessarily guarantee success, but no success ispossible without hard work." With a small yet strongidea in mind, an IoT Lab was principally set up inthe KIIT School of Computer Engineering underthe aegis of Prof. Ashutosh Behura & Team ofProfessors along with scholarly IoT Researchersin Desktop Laboratory (DL-5) on 5th December2016. In time, as a result of their hardwork the labwas provided recognition and identity after which itbecame a coveted venue for IoT activities andoperations. Their dedication and efforts attractedmore and more students leading to the formationof a completely efficient and unparalleled group called"The IoT Team".At KIIT University, keeping the significance of IoTin mind, we are taking an initiative to step into thefuture by teaching the students to deal with day -todayproblems using IoT equipped solutions. We, hereat IoT Labs, which is a joint effort of the schools ofComputer Engineering, Electronics Engineeringand Mechanical Engineering, are a team of dedicatedstudents working under a team of competent andencouraging professors guiding us at every phase andstep. It is technically a research forum exploring thepotential of crowdsourcing and Internet of Thingsfor multidisciplinary research with more end-userinteractions. It gives the power to be at the core ofthe research and innovation process. Presentlywe have many successful products and prototypes.In a nutshell, we perceive the need of the hour andwork tirelessly to attain the unthinkable in the arenaof technology.