eDataserves was founded on the concept of Serving a lifelong e-Data service to make better Relations between human and technology. eDataserves focuses on consistently delivering quality. We care about our customers, the services we provide and the people who make it happen. We bring people and technology together to make our customers' mission successful. Our Technology services are at the core of what our company was founded on and a corner stone to our success.We have a deep commitment to ensuring quality and customer satisfaction with a mature corporate infrastructure, strong management and quality practices Responsible for testing and remediating electronic documents ( PDF, Word, Excel and PowerPoint) for WCAG 2.0 AA and Section 508 compliance and utilizing editing tools such as Acrobat Pro, PDF and CommonLook for accessibility. We Perform documentation remediation as required ensuring adherence to Section 508 compliance.We Provide the highest quality of products and customer service. eDataserves is an innovative consulting partner that is trusted by its clients and employees to deliver intelligent insights and respond quickly to the ever-evolving needs with highly respected cyber security, analytics, Agile Software Development and IT/maintenance expertise.