The mission of the United Way of Oxford & Lafayette County (UWOLC) is to improve lives and meet community needs by uniting people and resources. We seek to make a concrete, measurable impact by understanding and addressing our community's most complex challenges. We believe no single organization can do this alone and the UWOLC therefore works in partnership with individuals, non-profits, corporations, and public entities to mobilize resources, promote collaboration, and support programs that can together make a significant difference for the Lafayette-Oxford-University (LOU) community. The UWOLC focuses on four interrelated issues:I. HealthFocus: To improve people's health, with a focus on helping the community and its members:A. Achieve and maintain healthy lifestyles for adults and childrenB. Support older adults and adults diagnosed with mental illnessII. EducationFocus: To help children and youth achieve their potential, with a focus on programs that help the community and its members:A. Enter kindergarten ready to learnB. Read at grade level by the fourth gradeC. Earn a high school (or equivalent) degreeIII. Income/Financial StabilityFocus: To promote financial stability and independence, with a focus on helping the community and its members:A. Attain family-sustaining employment B. Create affordable housing opportunitiesC. Manage expenses and build savingsIV. Basic NeedsFocus: To meet the community's basic needs, with a focus on programs that ensure community members have:A. Sufficient foodB. Adequate shelterC. Disaster/emergency relief services