Our mission at Automation Concept is to automate excellence within the bulk material handling industry. We have been around for 23 years due to our dynamic corporate structure and rigid financial management. The dynamic company structure allows for adjustment to take place on larger projects, using experienced well known and reliable contract labour when required. The management team are all multi-disciplined and skilled in various aspects of project work, such as, engineering, design, construction and commissioning. Our truly flexible approach allows a quick turn-around of projects with no compromise to quality. We profess good management, dedicated leadership, integrity, efficiency and the use of appropriate and cutting-edge technology to yield the most cost effective results in all assignments. The management structure operates as an integrated team sharing responsibility and workload. This has proved to be a working solution allowing management to back up each other resulting in client confidence and peace of mind. Automation Concept also keeps an excellent track record with its creditors and suppliers, since it is key to keeping the business sustainable. We are committed to long-term relationships with clients based on excellence, professionalism, honesty as well as shared expertise; and to provide total quality, cost effective and timely engineered solutions and products to satisfy the business needs of its customers.