Municipal Police Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to providing Training for Law Enforcement officers in Massachusetts. Annual In-Service training is offered via subscription through our Distance Learning website where a state-of-the-art learning management system is used to administer online training, testing, and reporting of the officer's on-going progress. Using best of class subject matter experts and drawing upon a wealth of knowledge from organizations such as the International Association of Chiefs of Police, MPI is uniquely positioned to deliver MPTC approved self-paced online training that meets the needs of law enforcement professionals in Massachusetts with a decidedly "local' focus.MPI offers traditional classroom training and seminars throughout the Commonwealth on a multitude of subjects such as firearms, evidence handling, K9 operations, eyewitness ID, executive development and more. MPI also provides access to pertinent news, hot topics, roll call videos, and other relevant information necessary to keep local law enforcement professionals up to date and in the know.