Kyara Patelski

Customer Service Representative at TOP MEDICAL LTD - , England, United Kingdom

Kyara Patelski's Contact Details
Kyara Patelski's Company Details
TOP MEDICAL LTD logo, TOP MEDICAL LTD contact details


, England, United Kingdom • 11 - 50 Employees
Hospital & Health Care

TOP Medical brings together skilled, experienced and qualified experts to drive the assessment and commercialization of promising medical devices, with a focus on the fields of interventional cardiology, electrophysiology and peripheral interventions. We are convinced that the potential of new, innovative medical technologies is too often left unexploited. By selecting technologies that strongly attribute to a better experience for both patient and physician, we support innovative medical companies throughout the process from idea conceptualization to patient treatment. In this way, our team introduces outstanding break-through medical devices to Benelux hospitals, enabling them to further raise healthcare to unprecedented levels of excellence. The philosophy of TOP Medical is to improve the quality of patient care through targeted product training and specialized assistance before, during and after procedures, with respect for the deontological values of the medical environment.Asahi Intecc, EPD Solutions, Shockwave Medical, Neovasc, Cameron Health, Direct Flow Medical, Invatec, Concentric Medical, ev3, Ablation Frontiers, Irvine Biomedical, CID, Velocimed, Werkmeister, Tryton Medical, and Toray chose TOP Medical to introduce their products in the Benelux countries.TOP Medical is ISO 13485:2016 Certified by DEKRA

Details about TOP MEDICAL LTD
Frequently Asked Questions about Kyara Patelski
Kyara Patelski currently works for TOP Medical B.V..
Kyara Patelski's role at TOP Medical B.V. is Customer Service Representative.
Kyara Patelski's email address is *** To view Kyara Patelski's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Kyara Patelski works in the Medical Devices industry.
Kyara Patelski's colleagues at TOP MEDICAL LTD are Lamia Souni, Berit Robroch, Xemina Boubegra, Sander Allon, Jan-Willem Hendriks, Melanie Lindeman and others.
Kyara Patelski's phone number is
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