Kyle Deeter

Advocate Supervisor at CASA of the Tenth Judicial Circuit - , Illinois, United States

Kyle Deeter's Contact Details
CASA of the Tenth Judicial Circuit
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CASA of the Tenth Judicial Circuit logo, CASA of the Tenth Judicial Circuit contact details

CASA of the Tenth Judicial Circuit

, Illinois, United States • 11 - 50 Employees
Nonprofit Organization Management

Mission: The mission of Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of the Tenth Judicial Circuit is to ensure that every abused and neglected child is placed in a safe and permanent home by utilizing specially trained community volunteers who advocate for abused and neglected children going through the court system.Vision: CASA of the Tenth Judicial Circuit's goal is that every abused and neglected child is placed in a safe permanent home as quickly as possible. To build the nationally recognized advocate program for abused and neglected children focusing on Peoria County then extending to Tazewell County and throughout the Tenth Judicial Circuit. Specifically, our vision is to: - Increase volunteerism with quality case management and training - Provide consistent and quality advocacy services and programs - Increase awareness and visibility for CASA of the Tenth Judicial Circuit - Implement fundraising plans that will sustain our future for generations to comeValues: We believe that all children have the right to a safe, permanent home and deserve the support and involvement of their community to make this possible.CASA of the Tenth Judicial Circuit has been serving abused and neglected children since 2005. CASA volunteers provide consistency to the children on their case, submit reports to the judge prior to all court hearings, and make certain that the child's best interests are represented. These volunteers are Everyday Heroes, people just like you who have chosen to speak up for a child.

Details about CASA of the Tenth Judicial Circuit
Frequently Asked Questions about Kyle Deeter
Kyle Deeter currently works for CASA of the Tenth Judicial Circuit.
Kyle Deeter's role at CASA of the Tenth Judicial Circuit is Advocate Supervisor.
Kyle Deeter's email address is *** To view Kyle Deeter's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Kyle Deeter works in the Nonprofit Organization Management industry.
Kyle Deeter's colleagues at CASA of the Tenth Judicial Circuit are Lisa Norwood, Irene Nafziger, Michael Murphy, Pamela Perrilles, Shaun Bill, Todd Condron and others.
Kyle Deeter's phone number is ["18002522873","3096692939","3096726957"]
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