Telecommunications Network ConsultantsCartographic Mapping and GIS SolutionsMINING | ENVIRONMENT | INFRASTRUCTUREBentline specialise in the delivery of Fibre Optic cable and Telecommunications Infrastructure within the commercial and mining industry. We carry out all due diligence research and reporting including, Native Title Compliance, Aboriginal Cultural Heritage and Environmental Impact Assessment and Planning. Bentline take care of every aspect of Fibre Optic installation including Project Management, Computer Aided Drafting, GIS capture and metadata.We aim to assist our clients as their infrastructure expands with professional services and applications enabling expansible and efficient growth.Our Services Include:Fibre Optic Network Design | Hauling | Splicing | TestingCivil ConstructionHigh Quality Cartographic MappingEnvironmental Impact Assessment and PlanningGIS Support and AnalysisSpatial Systems ImplementationDesign Documentation