Peace Works Travel provides transformative experiences in socially-conscious study abroad: we develop our students' 21st century global competency for positive impact. We are founded by teachers and understand the unique needs of meaningful experiential learning abroad. Our program trains students to apply "Lean Launch Pad" entrepreneurial methods to local problems: students engage with our NGO partners, apply "empathy mapping" and "design thinking" principles to ideate long term solutions for local people. Why We're Unique: • Common Core (C-3) & International-Baccalaureate aligned curricula complements each itinerary, empowering teachers to educate students pre-departure to maximize destination literacy and cultural immersion. • Tangible Results in Global Competency: quantifies trip learning with metrics showing a rate of change favoring heightened citizenship engagement. • Service-Learning through Social Entrepreneurship: we teach students to innovate long-term solutions, rather than modeling short term acts of "First World" charity. • Insider's Introductions: survivors, authors, scholars, journalists, policy-makers comprise our network of in-country experts who provide academic insight on contemporary issues. • Digital Storytelling Trips provide instruction for teachers and students how to memorialize their learning through content media. • Teacher-Training: we prepare teachers for effective abroad leadership with pre-departure sessions, and comprehensive material support for superior adventuring, risk management and crisis response. Students return forever inspired to make a difference. Using their own talents, social-entrepreneurial models and our network of partnerships, travelers give voice to the voiceless. Our method of teaching builds long-term muscle memory and passion for creative activism. We ignite the spark of empathy within travelers to take action and innovate positive solutions. Join the Peace Works movement!