Officeway specialises in business to business supply of Office Furniture and Stationery.OFFICE FURNITUREFrom complete office fit outs, to desks, workstations, sit stand desks and accessories, ergonomic furniture, office chairs, visitor and meeting chairs, executive chairs, reception desks and accessories and anything else you may need for the office!STATIONERYAre you extremely busy with lots to do besides order stationery? We provide:- Quick and easy ordering- Fast delivery- Fewer backorders- Personal service- Competitive pricingWe are located in Dandenong South, in the South East suburbs of Melbourne. We service Melbourne and Regional Victoria. We are also able to arrange delivery Australia wide for most of our range.We make the whole process super easy! We can advise you on the best solution to suit your needs, whether it's a office design layout that you need (free service) or a fantastic deal on your stationery. Get the ball rolling and give us a call on 03 9794 7177 or email