CodeFu (\kōd fǘ\): A martial art-like level of skill and mastery in Coding/Computer ProgrammingCodeFu is a Computer Science Enrichment and Immersion Program designed by former teachers and software engineers to provide TK - 8th grade with the option to learn Computer Science in the safety and comfort of their schools. Our curriculum goes beyond the introductory Coding Curriculum that Districts rely upon and teaches Coding to kids with the best Educational Coding resources available while combining it with National Common Core Standards from English to Mathematics.Taking the discipline seen in Kung Fu, our Code Fu Dojos & Immersion Program teach curriculum that includes: Block Coding, Tangible Coding, the programming languages of: Ruby, Python, Java, HTML, Css, & .Js, and couples it with crucial Common Core Subjects by challenging our students to create everything from Websites to Apps to Games. Our Dojos scaffold these programming, logical, & concentration skills to provide students with Training in the Art of "CodeFu".