Global Credit Bancorp offers financial services to businesses throughout the world. We are designed to help You obtain the capital you need for Your business. There are many investors eager to support businesses worldwide and we help them to find way to You! We selectively match each client with an appropriate lending institution and funding method using our unique search methods and contacts with thousands of lenders and investors world-wide. We are providing resources for acquisition, development, construction and all other project financing. We offer assistance in every part of the financing process from developing a dynamic, comprehensive business plan to locating financing for Your current or future projects. Our success is solely based on our relationships with clients, their referrals and our reputation. Objectives: - To bring together commercial borrowers and the appropriate lenders and investors; - To achieve the highest rate of funding success for your start-up, early stage or operating stage company; - To present your project in the best possible way; - To streamline the funding process; - To provide ongoing support and feedback. Specialties: - Loans and Investment Opportunities - Equity Financing - Venture Capital - Angel Investors - Import/Export Finance - Bank Instruments - Business Plans - Due Diligence - Feasibility Study - Legal/Financial Consulting