EchoSpan puts you in control of your employee performance management and leadership development programs with our 360-degree feedback review tools. With EchoSpan's Web-based system, every aspect of your process can be easily configured for your needs, including review content, rating scales, workflows and report appearance.Implementation is quick and simple and EchoSpan can even migrate reviews and responses from your existing feedback tool into EchoSpan's platform. Once your account is setup, our Project Autopilot can manage your project events and email messages based on a schedule you define, saving you time. Most of all, your employees won't need a minute of training to effectively use our tools and they can respond via PC or mobile device. The EchoSpan 360-degree feedback tool can also be easily translated in over 140 languages so that all of your global users can utilize the tool. Let's get started! Request a free 30-day trial here: a demo here: Founded in 2002, EchoSpan is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia and is trusted by over 4,000 clients on 6 continents.