SJM Global Group is an aggregator of shipping documents (OBL/s, CO's) to the International banking community and (SJM) pays the Exporter, fees for the scanned copies of (OBL/s, CO's) of the eligible cargos of agricultural goods exported globally, thus increasing Exporter's competitive advantage and maximizing export revenue through extra earnings on the vessel value of eligible exports.SJM is a third-party provider to financial services groups around the world providing scan copies of shipping documents in a safe and sound manner and in compliance with all applicable banking laws. Our focus is to deliver a collaborative solution to maintain and extend the availability of financing for the trade of critical commodities in emerging markets. To maximize our impact, we work with financial intermediaries to extend financial products under very strict International banking compliance regulations, and we have strong relationships with some of the largest global companies to implement the rigorous banking compliance programs. SJM does no proprietary trading, and leverages international trade flows (Ag-commodities, Energies, Metals, Fertilizer) to our clientele for the Structured Commodity Finance (SCF) industry.SJM Trading understands the complex legal ecosystem, opportunities and pitfalls. We have mastered certain transaction types and streamlined the processes for our clients. We are pleased to serve large and medium size exporters and commodity trading companies.For more information please visit our website, contact:Steve Martin, Managing DirectorSJM Global Group440 Cobia Drive, Suite 1603Katy, Texas 77494Phone: 713.264.1436Email: steve@sjmtrading.netWebsite: