Director of Support Services, phiSAT (Phigenics Support and Training)
Phigenics is the independent leader in water management. Its purpose is to help facility managers optimize the cost and efficiency and improve the safety of their water systems. Clients include a diverse mix of industry and government leaders in healthcare, commercial, institutional, military and manufacturing facilities. Typically for our clients, water processing utility costs are reduced 5-20% and water safety is quantitatively improved.Phigenics does not sell water treatment equipment or chemicals and is not biased toward any particular treatment technology or supplier. We do provide best practices guidance that is defensible should anyone inquire about the quality or cost effectiveness of your water management program.Phigenics provides leading expert support in potable and utility water safety, Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) and ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 188 Plans, secondary disinfection and many other areas to ensure compliance with regulations and leading best practice standards. Our state of the art information systems provide affordable secure access to the right information when you need it. Phigenics Analytical Services Laboratories are certified as proficient in the Environmental Legionella Isolation Techniques Evaluation (ELITE) program administered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and are EPA-NELAP certified for the analysis of drinking water.