Here at 4DP, we try to look at marketing in a different way. Instead of your regular multi-channel marketing, where your product or service gets marketed through every channel separately, we look at the total package. We market you as a whole, no matter if you're a company with a million dollar turnover, a celebrity or a small or medium sized business - we get your message across. By sitting right next to the CEO and marketing team, we share your vision and goals – and we'll help you to translate these into actionable marketing activities. We look at your channel strategy, content strategy and partner strategy, bringing these together in a clear marketing strategy which is aligned with your sales and/or targets. We don't just deliver you a strategy document and disappear; we are there for you - from A to Z. If you have your own marketing team, but are lacking in time, experience or centralisation, we can help you with the implementation of your entire marketing strategy – and we'll hold your hands until it's completely rolled out. We are just as happy to take over, with our in-house team of experienced marketers making sure your message gets to your customers.Working closely together we will expose your customers and potential customers to omni-channel marketing. This is a strategy where everything falls together, where everything aligns. Your customer will be central to your marketing efforts, and every message - through whichever channel it reaches them by - will contribute to the bigger picture. Whatever that bigger picture is, is completely up to you, but we're here to help you achieve that.