Larina Dennis

Revenue Accountant at Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation - Austin, TX, US

Larina Dennis's Contact Details
Austin,Texas,United States
Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation
Larina Dennis's Company Details
Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation logo, Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation contact details

Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation

Austin, TX, US • 250 - 499 Employees

TDLR is the primary state agency responsible for licensing and regulating a broad range of occupations, businesses, facilities and equipment in Texas. Since 1909, we have helped small businesses and consumers by protecting the health and safety of all Texans and ensuring they are served by qualified professionals.Chapter 51 of the Texas Occupations Code establishes TDLR and sets the framework for the agency's responsibilities. The Texas Commission of Licensing and Regulation is TDLR's governing board and policy-making body, made up of seven public members appointed by the Governor with the consent of the Texas Senate. By law, no commissioner may have any business interests in a profession regulated by TDLR.The agency and Commission work in partnership with 31 advisory boards composed of dedicated public servants. Board members represent the citizens of Texas and the industries and professions regulated by TDLR.TDLR is currently responsible for 39 occupational and business licensing programs. See the complete list at

Details about Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation
Frequently Asked Questions about Larina Dennis
Larina Dennis currently works for Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation.
Larina Dennis's role at Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation is Revenue Accountant.
Larina Dennis's email address is ***@. To view Larina Dennis's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Larina Dennis works in the Government Administration industry.
Larina Dennis's colleagues at Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation are Lara Crumbley, Christopher Treadaway, Laura Lenamond, Bill Weatherly, John Medlock, Mike Arismendez, Victoriano III and others.
Larina Dennis's phone number is N/A
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