The Identity Circle is a research, consulting and education firm that enables companies to achieve dramatic performance improvement, and inspires individuals to live more productive, fulfilling lives. At the core of our company is the identity discipline - a comprehensive process for aligning the interests and actions of employees and employers around value creation..This same discipline works for 'regular folks,' who want to find their right path in life as it pertains to work, love, family and friends.In short, we clarify uniqueness and the potential it imples, and help your organization or you, build on that vital foundation.Our work is both qualitative and quantitative. We just released the results of a year-long study on the impact of identity strength on business performance.Do you know what your organization's IdentityIQ™ is? You should. It tells the story of the company's current value-creating capacity in one simple number. Despite general agreement that a strong identity is a "good thing" for companies to have, there has been little concrete evidence to support this claim — until now. Contact us for a complimentary copy of this groundbreaking study.