Since 2007, Signal Fire has remained focused on building a company in line with it's philosophy.Education, Innovation, and Integrity are the cornerstones of our business. Unmatched service at a fair price is our goalWe are constantly improving our infrastructure. We are always looking for ways to improve our service and maximize our efficiency.Our commitment to excellence in service and installation will continue to enhance our reputation as a skilled and experienced Fire Protection Contractor.MISSIONWE PROTECT LIFE AND PROPERTY BY PROVIDING OUR CUSTOMERS WITH PEACE OF MIND THROUGH QUALIFIED TECHNICIANS DELIVERING QUALITY PRODUCTS AND SERVICE EXCELLENCE TO CODE.VISIONWE ARE DEVOTED TO BEING THE BEST FIRE ALARM COMPANY POSSIBLE BY LISTENING TO OUR CUSTOMERS AND CONTINUOUSLY IMPROVING OUR PEOPLE AND TECHNOLOGY THROUGH EDUCATION, TRAINING AND INNOVATION.CORE VALUESS Service ExcellenceI ImprovementG GratitudeN No Ego'sA AwarenessL Live it