Larry Welch

Senior Fellow at Institute for Defense Analyses - Alexandria, Virginia, US

Larry Welch's Colleagues at Institute for Defense Analyses
Doug Evans

Senior Consultant- Evans Independent Consulting

Contact Doug Evans

Steve Wesley

Security Administrator

Contact Steve Wesley

Steven Movit

Research Staff Member

Contact Steven Movit

Xueying Han

Research Staff Member

Contact Xueying Han

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Larry Welch's Contact Details
(703) 845-2000
Institute for Defense Analyses
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Institute for Defense Analyses

Alexandria, Virginia, US • 1532 Employees

IDA (Institute for Defense Analyses) – a not-for-profit corporation headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia just outside Washington, DC – operates three Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs) in the public interest: the Systems and Analyses Center, the Science and Technology Policy Institute, and the Center for Communications and Computing. Sponsors rely on IDA for dispassionate, fact-based, and scientifically rigorous research and advice to inform their decisions. Since 1956, IDA’s basic mission has remained unchanged – bring the best scientific, technical, and analytic talent to bear on issues critical to U.S. National security, in a research environment free of commercial or shareholder interests where objectivity and the public interest are foremost. The work produced by IDA’s FFRDCs is characterized by unquestioned objectivity and high quality. Because of our unique relationship with our Government sponsors, IDA enjoys unusual access to highly classified and sensitive government and corporate proprietary information. We adhere to a strict regime for avoiding conflicts of interest. We are thus in the position of offering outsider perspectives on important issues with insider access to information. Our diverse mix of professionals possesses expertise in a broad range of technologies and systems combined with deep knowledge of costs, policies, operations, and organizational matters. IDA continually renews and evolves its staff, integrating those newly educated in the latest advances in research with seasoned veterans of acquisition management, policy-making, and operational leadership roles in government and defense-related organizations. The exceptional creativity, determination, and commitment to service that IDA researchers bring to their work are the foundation of IDA’s excellence.

Defence National Security Policy Policy
Details about Institute for Defense Analyses
Frequently Asked Questions about Larry Welch
Larry Welch currently works for Institute for Defense Analyses.
Larry Welch's role at Institute for Defense Analyses is Senior Fellow.
Larry Welch's email address is *** To view Larry Welch's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Larry Welch works in the Aerospace/Defense industry.
Larry Welch's colleagues at Institute for Defense Analyses are Doug Evans, Lincoln Butcher, Steve Wesley, Steven Movit, Chandler Dawson, Xueying Han, Jason Hustedt and others.
Larry Welch's phone number is (703) 845-2000
See more information about Larry Welch