Lars Trygg

1:e Museitekniker at Västerbottens museum - Grand View, Wisconsin, United States

Lars Trygg's Contact Details
+46 90-17 18 00
Västerbottens museum
Lars Trygg's Company Details
Västerbottens museum logo, Västerbottens museum contact details

Västerbottens museum

Grand View, Wisconsin, United States • 30 Employees
Museums & Institutions

The County Museum of Västerbotten is a museum with responsibility for all cultural history in Västerbotten County. The museum's main tasks are to preserve, care for and show the cultural heritage for present and future generations. The museum has about 60 employees, and consists of the managing company Västerbotten museum AB, and the Foundation Västerbotten museum collections.

Details about Västerbottens museum
Frequently Asked Questions about Lars Trygg
Lars Trygg currently works for Västerbottens museum.
Lars Trygg's role at Västerbottens museum is 1:e Museitekniker.
Lars Trygg's email address is *** To view Lars Trygg's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Lars Trygg works in the Museums & Institutions industry.
Lars Trygg's colleagues at Västerbottens museum are Carina Eneroth, Helen Hetta, Nora Shtieba, Maine Wallentinson, Asa Lundberg, Ulrica Grubbstrom and others.
Lars Trygg's phone number is +46 90-17 18 00
See more information about Lars Trygg