Latanya King

Human Factors Consultant at Core Human Factors, Inc. - Bala Cynwyd, PA, US

Latanya King's Contact Details
United States
Core Human Factors, Inc.
Latanya King's Company Details
Core Human Factors, Inc. logo, Core Human Factors, Inc. contact details

Core Human Factors, Inc.

Bala Cynwyd, PA, US • 20 - 49 Employees
Market Research

Core helps companies research and develop their products and services. Core has the knowledge and expertise to apply "the human factor". Successful product development requires a balance of usability, usefulness, and desirability. Core's human factors methodologies uniquely address this balance. Core has vast experience with consumer, industrial, and healthcare-related products. The latter, in particular, requires an exceptional amount of risk management for regulatory compliance and liability control, all of which Core can successfully accomplish. Visit us online at or call us anytime at 1-888-955-CORE (2673).

Human Factors Engineering Usability Testing User Research Scientific Research Commercial Nonphysical Research Research
Details about Core Human Factors, Inc.
Frequently Asked Questions about Latanya King
Latanya King currently works for Core Human Factors, A Rimkus Company.
Latanya King's role at Core Human Factors, A Rimkus Company is Human Factors Consultant.
Latanya King's email address is *** To view Latanya King's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Latanya King works in the Research industry.
Latanya King's colleagues at Core Human Factors, Inc. are Rebecca Moses, Denise Banks, Reid Jackson, Irina Lucaciu, Jack Sharples, Sarah Piperato, Marissa Docimo and others.
Latanya King's phone number is 610-668-2673
See more information about Latanya King