Editor In Chief at SAM Society for Advancement of Management - Springfield, IL, US
SAM is a non-profit professional society dedicated to the study and practice of management. Founded in 1912 by associates and friends of Frederick W. Taylor in honor of his ground-breaking contributions of Scientific Management, we continue to promote the rigorous scientific study of management theory as well as its application in organizations worldwide. President John F. Kennedy said of SAM, "It is to managers who grow with the needs and resources of their times that we must continue to look for the new ideas and their implementation to meet the challenges of the future... The Society for Advancement of Management has a proud record... of teaching, developing and communicating new techniques and of maintaining the standards of its profession." Members and those honored by the society have included Peter Drucker, W. Edwards Deming, Herbert Hoover, Lee Iaccoca, and Ronald Reagan.At present, SAM's noted strength is AMJ (Advanced Management Journal) currently in its 81st year of publication. Famous management scholars have published their work in AMJ and it continues to be an important outlet for the field's continued development. SAM's annual international conference brings scholars, practitioners and students together to discuss significant management topics of the day. Conference themes have prompted wider discussion of topics such as total quality, intrapreneurship, diversity, ethics and re-engineering.The annual conference also features the society's student team case competition. For over 30 years, student teams from across the nation have tested their knowledge and skills in analyzing strategic management cases involving real-world organizations and presenting their findings to a panel of judges.SAM brings together practicing professionals and connects them to the students who are already, or will soon become, the next generation of high performance managers.Our Company Page is a mix of history, commentary, news and more.