Laura Calvo

Socia Directora at #AttittudTalent Atraer y Desarrollar el Talento - Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

Irene Lopez

Estudiante en prácticas de marketing

Contact Irene Lopez

Marc Basoli

Consultor de recursos humanos

Contact Marc Basoli

Laura Calvo's Contact Details
+34 934 88 10 86
#AttittudTalent Atraer y Desarrollar el Talento
Laura Calvo's Company Details
#AttittudTalent Atraer y Desarrollar el Talento logo, #AttittudTalent Atraer y Desarrollar el Talento contact details

#AttittudTalent Atraer y Desarrollar el Talento

Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain • 22 Employees
Human Resources

We help organisations in atract and retain the talent to maximize comany value with the people, the culture and the leadership, across motivation and commitment, focused in customers, people, investors and society.For this we work in the folloeing areas:Head HuntingRecruitingOutsourcingInterin MangementETTChange MangementRRHH ConsultingTraining and DevelopmentPRL

Details about #AttittudTalent Atraer y Desarrollar el Talento
Frequently Asked Questions about Laura Calvo
Laura Calvo currently works for #AttittudTalent Atraer y Desarrollar el Talento.
Laura Calvo's role at #AttittudTalent Atraer y Desarrollar el Talento is Socia Directora.
Laura Calvo's email address is *** To view Laura Calvo's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Laura Calvo works in the Human Resources industry.
Laura Calvo's colleagues at #AttittudTalent Atraer y Desarrollar el Talento are Juliana Florez, Irene Lopez, Marc Basoli, Ionut-Octavian Ungureanu and others.
Laura Calvo's phone number is +34 934 88 10 86
See more information about Laura Calvo