Power Brain Education (PBE) was founded in 2006 on the premise that human potential is optimized when the physical, emotional, social and cognitive aspects of the self are developed in an integrated manner. We refer to this comprehensive approach to human development as Brain Education (BE).Power Brain Education is proud to offer a variety of innovative on and off-site trainings to more than five hundred schools, businesses, senior centers, non-profits and community organizations in the United States. While our program content differs based on the needs of the client organization, all BE trainings include brain-based physical, emotional and cognitive exercises, as well as postures, breathing techniques, guided imagery and games to promote improved focus, health, confidence, stress management, creativity and memory. The ultimate goal if for participants to gain an empowering sense of trust in their brain potential and to use this power to create health, happiness, peace and optimal achievement for themselves and others.We believe that humanity's greatest asset is the one we all possess - the brain itself.