ALCEMIS helps leaders and teams with an improvement mindset create and deliver better solutions for better work and a better world.• Solve complex challenges• Build aligned organizations with employees who live the brand promise• Drive sustainable growth while focusing on people, planet and profitabilityWe help leaders build dynamic, creative and adaptive organizations where happy, loyal and engaged employees apply their gifts and creativity toward what matters.We help clients create and deliver the best, on-target, purposeful and valuable solutions that encourage customers (and other fans) to drool, tweet praises and stay loyal.Clients build competency in these core areas when they work with us:• improve innovative capacity through process and skill building• improve strategic organizational effectiveness• improve team effectiveness and collaboration• improve leadership abilities• develop organizational climates that encourage and support creativity, adaptability and thoughtful risk-takingWe approach our work as "play with purpose" and encourage our clients to do the same. Play connects us, releases creativity, engages us emotionally, builds trust and encourages our best. When we enjoy what we do, we are engaged and happy - where it is easier to move into a state of high performance, a state of delivering exceptional products, services and experience to customers.