A plan supported by many Americans in all 50 republic "states" was implemented. That plan created a provisional structure where Americans can peaceably assemble and re-inhabit the de Jure seats of government as intended by our founding fathers. What can we offer – We, being the people who stood up, through the construct of the "Restored Republic" offer to all Americans true liberty, freedom, and justice for all. All that is required is your say so.What will it do? – When all Americans that are not happy with the path our nation is clearly headed down, join those that have already signed onto "The Republic of the united States of America", our future can and will be transformed back to a de Jure form of governance as originally intended. The specific benefits shall be described in forthcoming press releases.We the People of Massachusetts can make a huge difference in the future of our country. It is our responsibility to participate in our lawful government. "The Supreme Court has said the De Jure Government offices still exist but the people have failed to occupy them."Remember Downs v. Bidwell and the dissenting opinion of Justice Marshall Harlan? He said that two national governments exist ; one to be maintained under the Constitution, with all its restrictions. This is the one that We the people need to force our elected public officials to occupy – De Jure rule.