Late in 2009, I asked the Session of the New Hope Presbyterian Church to initiate a program for the unemployed in our area. Interested members worked with me on this project. We decided to meet twice monthly and provide a program for the unemployed based on important subjects presented by knowledgable speakers. Our objective is to provide emotional and spiritual support for the unemployed, with positive support and guidance for the job search. We welcome all to our meetings, and have had under-employed as well as unemployed in our meetings. There is no charge for the meetings; refreshments are served.Our meetings open with a prayer, then give each member an opportunity to tell us about their job search. Ofter during this period, members offer advice to each other. Next a speaker presents a topic related to their job search. Because we average about 12 members at each meeting, our members have an opportunity to get direct feedback from the speakers. As permitted by our members, we circulate their job search information to our congregation. As a result,the congregation frequently sends us job leads, which are passed on to members. Members join in, and circulate leads they receive to other members.