National Utility Solutions is backed with a combined 42 years experience in performing and defending the predominant use studies required for the utility sales tax exemptions and refunds in almost every State where these exemptions are allowed. We save our clients up to 8.5% of their utility expenses.Our associates have also handled the defense of countless predominant use studies with various State Comptroller's Offices and Departments of Revenue in almost every State where these exemptions are available to ensure our clients retain the utility sales tax exemptions and refunds processed on their behalf. With over 20,000 predominant use studies performed and defended by our associates, we have the expertise to ensure our studies are correct the first time.The intent of a predominant use study is to establish the exempt vs. non-exempt usage of electricity and/or natural gas as defined in the various State regulations to determine whether or not a specific electricity and/or natural gas meter qualifies for the sales tax exemption and refund; limited to the statute of limitations for the State where the facility is located.We also handle the utility sales tax exemption and refund processing, where allowed, for commercial residential properties (apartments, townhomes, condos, nursing homes, etc.) as well as handle the defenses of those exemptions.99% of our clients prefer our risk-free pricing structure when refunds are available. There is never a charge for meters that do not qualify for this exemption. Our Predominant Use Studies also include a money-back guarantee that they are valid as of the current laws in effect at the time the Predominant Use Studies are performed.Contact us at 844-767-0037 ext. 2000 regarding the process involved and ask us about our risk-free pricing structure.