Working with our customers, an evaluation model was shaped to satisfy what is important to stakeholders within an organization. As we began to measure their programs eParamus discovered the way a program is designed is paramount in its ability to be measured and its ability to have an impact on an organization. This knowledge helped us to conceptualize Measurable Instructional Design (MID) and to classify the steps necessary to ensure training has the ability to improve performance as well as meet company goals. The combination of measurable training and the evaluation method became known as the ROI by Design ™ model.Today the ROI by Design ™ model enables organizations and training companies to ensure training resulted in learning in the classroom, changes on the job, and impact to the organization. If you or your company believes in collaboration between the training department and the business unit stakeholders, then eParamus is for you. We provide you with an effective instructional design method, a powerful evaluation process and technology tools to allow you to deliver the chain of evidence necessary to satisfy all stakeholders. eParamus deeply believes training is a primary component in the development of an organization and we are here to help you highlight the magnitude of the impact you provide!