Embrace Dyslexia is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Dyslexia touches nearly one in five people worldwide; equaling over one billion people with dyslexia. The United States conservatively has over 45 million people with dyslexia.We celebrate the different thinking abilities of people with dyslexia. Spoken by a prominent Governor and I will paraphrase, people with dyslexia are our future thinkers, so we need to celebrate them and stop punishing them for their lack of literacy skills.Literacy scores in the areas of fluency, comprehension, and spelling are not commensurate with their level of intelligence if you have a dyslexic child in an environment where multisensory language training is not provided.Embrace Dyslexia strives to demystify why children with dyslexia need to learn a language in a particular way. It is time our children learn to read during K-2 years without such anxiety, strife and battles. By working with preschools and elementary schools, it is the hope of Embrace Dyslexia to have schools equipped to deliver direct and explicit multisensory methods of teaching literacy skills to all types of learners. This will take time to implement. Be patient; it will happen.To start, we will work with one public school district to develop a process by which children are taught to learn a language by using the approaches mentioned above. The goal is to evolve into a nation where the English language is taught consistently, no matter the location, in a way that all children, no matter if they have dyslexia or not, will thrive.The gifts of dyslexia are many; the struggles are few in comparison. But, traditional ways of teaching literacy skills highlight these few struggles and send these children into a spiral that many cannot overcome. This must change.Through education and awareness, schools across this nation can begin to evolve into a literacy strong nation who no longer differentiates a dyslexic child from a "typical" reader.