With its principal offices in New Jersey, Barry, McTiernan & Wedinger specializes in civil litigation throughout the states of New Jersey and New York. Major Insurers, including Zurich, Hartford, Mercer Mutual, Royal Sun Alliance, Investors Insurance and Seneca regularly assign matters to Barry, McTiernan & Wedinger for consistently successful results. Similarly, TPA's, including Naughton Insurance, Markel Adjusting and Vanguard Car Rental Claims Services routinely refer matters to the firm, again, with commendable results. Beyond this, Private Corporations, including Petco, Structure Tone, Inc., Fisher Brothers, Grosfillex, Inc., Casino Pier and Waterworks uniformy utilize this firm, because of it's well established track record.Active firm defense files span the spectrum from products liability to premises liability, medical malpractice to broker malpractice, insurance fraud to consumer fraud, and construction claims to environmental claims. The firm has developed multiple areas of expertise, not only in tort litigation, but in construction and contract litigation, insurance policy litigation, public entity tort litigation, and toxic tort litigation as well.