Raising awareness about alopecia while giving hope to any individual facing adversityLauren & Caitlin Brady were each diagnosed with alopecia areata (an autoimmune disease that causes hairloss) while in high school. It was often a struggle to deal with, but they always remained as positive as they could- yet never spoke too publicly about it.In January 2011, after watching Miss Delware 2010, Kayla Martell, take her wig off on National TV and explain she would compete in the 2011 Miss America pageant wearing a wig, as she too had alopecia, Lauren & Cait knew they needed to do SOMETHING to inspire others just as Kayla had done for them. Just 3 weeks later, on February 12, 2011 "This Is Me" was born as a two and a half minute YouTube PSA. The video was created to not only raise awareness about alopecia, but to try and inspire ANYONE who faces ANY insecurity.In January 2012, the Brady sisters began giving scholarships as part of "This Is Me." These college scholarships are awarded to local high school seniors enrolled in college who have displayed leadership skills while having faced adversity of any kind or helped others through adversity."The scholarships are presented in honor of our dear friends Ryan Risco & Cait Chivonne Polhill who left this world far too soon, but forever instilled in us their support and kindness as we faced our own adversity. We face each day with them in mind and use their legacies to inspire us to help others."