The Winooski Valley Park District (WVPD) is a cooperative partnership of seven member communities who share a common interest in protecting natural resources in the Winooski River Valley.The WVPD is a 501(c)3 non-profit and Vermont Municipality whose mission is to plan, acquire, and manage lands and waters within the boundaries of its member municipalities in the Winooski River Valley for the purposes of conservation, preservation of natural areas, establishment of parks, and resource-based education and recreation.Created in 1972, today the WVPD manages 18 parks and natural areas with over 1,750+ acres of conserved land within the boundaries of it member municipalities. The WVPD seven member communities are Burlington, Colchester, Essex, Jericho, South Burlington, Williston and Winooski.The WVPD offices are located at the Ethan Allen Homestead in Burlington, Vermont.