Project Reach is a youth and adult collaboration: a multiracial, multi-gender, grassroots, anti-discrimination, youth organizing center with a clear mission and commitment to challenging the destruction among, of, and between New York City's disparate youth communities. Implicit in that mission is a vision that recognizes that the empowerment of disenfranchised youth communities is critical and integral to their participation as future leaders in the larger movement for social justice. For 25 years, Project Reach has been asked by schools, community organizations, and many others to intervene in crises situations, provide technical assistance, and conduct workshops and skills-building trainings to better equip them to do the important work of empowering their communities. The OUTRIGHT Consortium has established itself as a trusted collaboration of partner communities where challenging and interrupting homophobia, heterosexism, sexism and misogyny is seen as necessary and important. Our workshops in schools and immigrant and people of color organizations have touched Black, Latina/o,Native, Arab, Asian, White and Multiracial young people, parents, staff, and administrators and our outreach has focused on those LGBTSTQI centers who are less known.