Laurent Auguste

Member Board Of Directors at Circulus Holdings, PBLLC - Houston, TX, US

Laurent Auguste's Contact Details
Circulus Holdings, PBLLC
Laurent Auguste's Company Details
Circulus Holdings, PBLLC logo, Circulus Holdings, PBLLC contact details

Circulus Holdings, PBLLC

Houston, TX, US • 100 - 249 Employees

Circulus has developed a world class solution to produce post-consumer recycled LDPE (low-density polyethylene) resin domestically. Our proprietary recycling process utilizes advanced recycling technologies which produce high-quality resins suitable for upcycled applications, keeping plastics out of landfills, incinerators, and the world's oceans. Our nationwide facilities run on 100% renewable energy, reuse, or compost over 85% of water and waste and ensure the safety and livelihood of its workers and neighboring communities. Safety is our highest priority. We prioritize training to ensure all employees operate equipment safely as well as to promote a culture of continuous improvement and commitment to safe operations. We are uncompromising in our commitment to the health, safety and welfare of our employees, customers, and community. Continuous professional development and educational opportunities provide employees with the tools they need to thrive at Circulus. Our people are key drivers of our success and we demonstrate that by hiring top industry talent and by promoting from within.

Details about Circulus Holdings, PBLLC
Frequently Asked Questions about Laurent Auguste
Laurent Auguste currently works for Circulus Holdings, PBLLC.
Laurent Auguste's role at Circulus Holdings, PBLLC is Member Board Of Directors.
Laurent Auguste's email address is *** To view Laurent Auguste's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Laurent Auguste works in the Plastics industry.
Laurent Auguste's colleagues at Circulus Holdings, PBLLC are Rob Paasschen, Daryl Smith, John Griggs, Greg Alley, Steve Ellis, Cristian Patino, John Villareal and others.
Laurent Auguste's phone number is N/A
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